The Levitation Bed

The Levitation Bed

The Levitation Bed is one of the most innovative spa features in the market today. And it took a lot of hard work and creative thinking to get it to that point.

This massage feature creates a floating sensation, and bathers almost feel as though they're lying on a cloud. The Levitation Bed provides soothing, head-to-toe therapy, and the bather may choose to lie either face up or face down.

The Passion Spas design team put a lot of work into developing the Levitation Bed experience. They conducted tests to determine the best shape for the bed cavity --- testing different heights and weights for both male and female bathers. It took numerous designs to determine the best shape. With that important element in place, the development team then got to work on the jet placements.

The result was an all-new, first-of-its-kind spa feature exclusive to Passion Spas. If you are interested in advanced massage therapy options, we definitely recommend that you take time to check out our Levitation Bed feature.

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